Mountain Empire Shag Society, Inc
The section below is reserved for one-time notifications for things such as bad weather cancellations etc.
Becky Doran will teach "Shivers" line dance on Monday, March 31th. Arrive early and be ready to start promptly at 6:30 pm. If you're late, Becky can't wait or start over.
Service animals & pets are prohibited in the party areas of all MESS events.
Not a member?
Click the MEMBERSHIP tab to view and print the 2025 form. New and re-up members can use this form.
2025 membership is 141 as of March 24th.
2024 final membership was 164.
Monday DJ Schedule
03-31 - Larry "Bigfish" Calhoun
04-07 - Eric Horton
04-14 - Larry "Bigfish" Calhoun
04-21 - Eric Horton
04-28 - Rick Million
MESS Fall Bash 2025
13 tickets left as of 3/26/2025
More info on the Events page
MESS formed in 1992 as an organization of persons who are committed to promoting the music and dance of Carolina shag and providing its members opportunities to associate with others who enjoy the same.
Weekly Dance Info
Effective May 6, 2024, we are again dancing at our original location:
Holiday Inn
101 West Springbrook Drive
Just off I-26 at Exit 20
Johnson City, TN
Lounge opens at 5:00 pm
Dancing 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Members charge is $4.00
Non-Members charge is $10.00
(Includes prior years members who no longer belong)
First two visits FREE to first-time visitors.
The facility has recently had a complete remodel and is absolutely beautiful. The lounge has a nice cozy atmosphere, is nicely furnished, and the dance floor is very good.
The facility also has an elaborate security system and is well-lit outside; so, ladies can attend by themselves and feel comfortable coming and going. Folks who have mobility issues will have easy access to the lounge area to the upper and lower levels of the lounge.
The drink prices and food prices are more reasonable than surrounding restaurants, lounges, and hotels. MESS members receive a nice discount on the food that they purchase on Monday nights. Being a standard lounge, no drinks or food can be brought into the lounge by patrons.
You sign in at the registration desk which is located at the double-door entrance to the lower level of the lounge.
Larry "Bigfish" Calhoun is our long-time DJ and deejays the 2nd & 5th Mondays of the month. He plays events all around the Southeast. Song selection is mostly Shag, R&B, and Carolina Beach Music, but he throws in some line dances, and a slow dance here and there. His humorous banter makes for a lively atmosphere!
Rick Million is our 2nd DJ and deejays the 4th Monday of each month. Rick has a nice music collection, does a really good job in the DJ booth, and keeps folks dancing.
Eric Horton is now our 3rd DJ and starting in 2025 deejays the 1st & 3rd Monday of each month. Eric has compiled a vast array of music over the last few years, and he knows how to fill the floor.
Carl Edwards is our 4th DJ, and and because he is our 2025 president, he prefers to only deejay in an emergency. Carl also has a nice music collection, and like the others, keeps the dancers happy while in the DJ booth.
Please come visit. You will be welcomed and made to feel at home! No dance experience required, and you do not have to have a partner to attend.
We offer free Beginner Shag Lessons, which are conducted with privacy just outside the lounge.
We'd love to dance with you!